Thursday, March 15, 2018

EPC3 : 2019 : Practicum guidelines

Practicum 1 (Group Work, Individual Report)
Prepare a Document on given Topic (group wise) collaboratively  using Google Docs. (Use camera, camcorder, scanner, printer, laptop, mobile phone as required.)

 Step 1: Make a google account yourself.
 Step 2: Collect the gmail ID of friends
 Step 3: Start a document using google docs. Share it to friends.
 Step 4: Edit, Comment and finally prepare the document. Insert Media as required.
 Step 5: Consult with Supervisor (Final editing)
 Step 5: Take a Print
 Step 6: Prepare a report(Hand written) and attach the document.

 Practicum 2 (Individual Work, Individual Report)
Develop a PL material with multimedia e-content for teaching any topic at school level.

Step 1: Preapre a PPT presentation using any Package like Ms-Powerpoint
                                                               Slide 1-2 :  Title + Multimedia Content (s)
                                                               Slide 2:   M C Question and Action Buttons
                                                               Slide 3:   Multimedia for response 1
                                                               Slide 4:   Multimedia for response 2
                                                               Slide 5:   Multimedia for response 3
                                                               Slide 6:   Next slide/The End/Thanks
Step 2:  Set the Teaching Strategy
Step 3 : Consult with Supervisor (send a mail)
Step 4:  Print the Handouts
Step 5:  Prepare the Report (Hand written)

Format of the Report

 Page 0:                                                  Front Page
 Page 1:              Acknowledgement
 Page 2:              Certificate from Supervisor
 Page 3,4:           Title of the Practicum 1
                           Title of the prepared document
                                                         What is Google Docs?
                                      How Google Docs can be used for Teaching Learning
Page5-6: Steps of preparing the document
                                                                    Step 1
                                                                    Step 2
                                                                    Step 3
                                                                    Step 4 ( may include  editing experience)
                                                                    Step 5  
Page 7:         Conclusion

  Page 8:       Title of the Practicum2
                    Title of the prepared document
Page 9:        Introduction
                                What is the advantage of  using Multimedia  for PL
                                Use of different e-content for individual learning.
 Page 10-12: Steps of making the PPT
                                                               Slide 1-2 : Title+ Multimedia Content (s)
                                                               Slide 2:   M C Question and Action Buttons
                                                               Slide 3:   Multimedia for response 1
                                                               Slide 4:   Multimedia for response 2
                                                               Slide 5:   Multimedia for response 3
                                                               Slide 6:   Next slide/The End/Thanks

                      Teaching using the PPT

Page 13-21:                                          Appendix 1
                                                     The Final Document from Google Docs
( certificate+page 1+ pages which have your contribution+last page(s) with pictures.)
                                                             Appendix 2 
                                                     Handout print of slides (2 slides per page) 

Some Useful Functions in Excel

Some Useful Functions in Excel
Soumen Prasad Mandal[i]
In the uniform curriculum structure of M.Ed. as per  NCTE new regulations 2014, use of Excel has been included. Microsoft Excel is one of the most used software applications of all time. Hundreds of millions of people around the world use Microsoft Excel. You can use Excel to enter all sorts of data and perform financial, mathematical or statistical calculations.
Objective of this article is to help those Excel users who wants to extract more from Excel beyond  performing  simple  calculations and making Charts etc.  In Excel,  formula is an expression which calculates the value of a cell. Functions are predefined formulas and are already available in Excel and help you save time.  Here are some useful functions for data analysis.
·         Count and Sum: The most used functions in Excel are the functions that count and sum. To count cells based on one criteria (for example, higher than 9), use COUNTIF function. To sum cells based on one criteria (for example, green), use the following SUMIF function.

·         Random numbers : RAND() function calculates a random number between 0 and 1 every time the cell is refreshed. RANDBETWEEN function is used for any range.
o   Example : To generate a random array between 10 to 90 in A1:E5, Enter =RANDBETWEEN (10,90) at cell A1 and drag it to copy to E5

·         Lookup & Reference:
o   CHOOSE function returns a value from a list of values, based on a position number
o   INDEX function returns a specific value in a two or one-dimensional range.
o   VLOOKUP function looks for a value in the leftmost column of a range and returns the value in the same row from a selected column. The example gives the corresponding value of column C if value from column A2:A4  is given
o   HLOOKUP function looks for a value in the topmost row of a table, and then returns a value in the same column from another row you specify. The example gives the corresponding value of row 3 if value from B1:D1 is given.

·         Statistical: To calculate the mean, median, mode and  standard deviation, we use the AVERAGE, MEDIAN, MODE and  STEDV function.  AVERAGEA and STDEVA includes text values as 0 while calculating.   

·         Array Formulas:
o   Example 1:  To get the sum of the squares of the range A1:D5,
without array formulas, we make a column of squares and then use SUM.

Single cell array formulas can perform multiple calculations in one cell. using array à SUM(A1:D5* A1:D5)  and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter

o   Example 2:  To get the frequencies of the range A1:E5 with given array of cut points G1:G6. Here answer is an array H1:H6.

We select the answer range H1:H6. Use the array formula     =FREQUENCY(A1:E5,G1:G6)  and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Ms-Excel has a lot of functions, but you can learn only a few. Inclusion of Ms-Excel in the M.Ed. curriculum will be effective if teacher educators love to use it and explore its functionality to solve various problems.

[i] Govt. College of Education, Banipur.,